Title: Fascinating Food Photography, Shedding Machine Workouts, and More
Hey there! Welcome to this week's edition of our favorite health and fitness finds. Let's dive right in and get inspired!
Photo: Tjalf Sparnaay via NPR
*Ditch the Machines for a Freedom Gain: Change from Exercise Machines to Free Weights — Nerd Fitness*
Passionately penned by a fitness enthusiast, this post asserts the benefits of abandoning exercise machines in favor of bodyweight exercises.
Wellness Wonderland
*100 Days of Climate Change Action — Sierra Club*
Enter the Sierra Club’s latest endeavor to combat climate change with a series of planned actions throughout Obama’s second term's first 100 days.
Happiness Highway
*Comfort Corner Overhaul: Embrace the Universe with Discomfort — Zen Habits*
Explore the reasons why stepping out of our comfort zones is vital for tackling procrastination, embarking on new journeys, and enhancing our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Blogger Bonanza
*Orange Ginger Veggie Noodle Bowl: A Delightful, Vitamin-Rich Delight — Edible Perspective*
Savor the flavor of gluten-free noodles, roasted brussel sprouts, and peppery oranges in this vibrant, wholesome, and mouth-watering dish.
The Miscellaneous Mixture
*Feast on Realism: Still-Life Paintings of Delectable Food — The Salt*
Get your taste buds tingling with Tjalf Sparnaay's incredibly realistic food still-lifes that look almost edible.
What are some of your favorite reads from around the web? Share in the comments below or tweet @greatist!
[Note: The stories you'll find here are borrowed from various sources that may not always adhere to Greatist’s rigorous (and fantastic) research standards.]
Enrichment Insights:
Breaking a Weight Machine Addiction
For those struggling to break their weight machine addiction, "Overcoming Food Addiction: Intuitive Eating" by Colleen Christensen and the British Heart Foundation provides valuable insights. The article suggests utilizing intuitive eating strategies to develop a healthy relationship with food, which can aid in managing addictions, including those related to weight machines and eating habits[3].
Sustaining the Earth's Home: Tackling Climate Change
To combat climate change, "Climate Change Solutions for Beginners: Where to Start" by Green Matters and "Nature-Based Climate Solutions: Sustainable Solutions for Climate Change" by IFAW offer valuable guidance. Green Matters provides an introduction to various climate change solutions, including implementing sustainable energy sources, reducing food waste, and promoting alternative transportation methods[2]. IFAW highlights the importance of nature-based climate solutions, such as wildlife conservation, marine conservation, and blue carbon projects, for mitigating climate change and preserving global biodiversity[5].
Exploring Beyond the Comfort Zone
Discovering new horizons through enriching experiences, Mindful Eating, and Intuitive Eating techniques can help individuals step out of their comfort zones. "Overcoming Food Addiction: The Power of Mindful Eating" by Therapy Helpers and "Intuitive Eating: Reaching Your Natural Weight and Jumpstarting Your Well-being" by Colleen Christensen and the British Heart Foundation can provide useful insights into these practices[1,3].
The Orange Ginger Veggie Noodle Bowl from Edible Perspective is a delightful and nutritious dish, filled with gluten-free noodles, roasted brussel sprouts, and peppery oranges. For individuals struggling with food addictions, including weight machine addiction, the article "Overcoming Food Addiction: Intuitive Eating" by Colleen Christensen and the British Heart Foundation can provide valuable strategies to develop a healthier relationship with food.